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Health Tips

7 Day Juice Challenge

9.3K Views Ivette Rieksts Ivette Rieksts

So why take the 7 Day Juice Challenge? We are often asked to name one thing that can be done right away to get …

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Health Tips

6 Ways To Prevent Cancer Naturally (And How To Stay Healthy After!)

13K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

What’s the best way to prevent cancer? What’s the next best steps once you've recovered? Read these top tips for preventing cancer and staying …

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Health Tips

7 Healthy Alkaline Diet Swaps

33K Views Yuri Elkaim Yuri Elkaim

Yuri Elkaim discusses the potential health effects of a diet high in acidic foods and gives some simple and tasty swaps for more alkaline …

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Health Tips

7 Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Should Eat More Of

15K Views The Chalkboard Mag The Chalkboard Mag

Eating anti-inflammatory foods is an effortless way to boost health and beauty. The Chalkboard Mag is breaking down the facts on flax, fish and …

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Active Living

Our Favorite At Home Yoga Flows

5.1K Views Ivette Rieksts Ivette Rieksts

Do you flow at home? With increasingly busy life schedules and premium-priced yoga memberships, what better way to continue your practice than at home …

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Health Hazards

Why Is McDonald’s Sponsoring The Olympics?

8.5K Views Ashleigh Jensen Ashleigh Jensen

McDonald's and Coca-Cola are two of the Olympic games’ biggest sponsors. Not only does McDonalds sponsor the Olympics, they also support individual athletes and …

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Health Tips

4 Things About Digestive Disorders You Need To Know

11K Views Sammi Lucas Sammi Lucas

Sammi Lucas shares with us her list of the top 4 things about digestive disorders you need to know. Sammi will help simplify gut …

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Health Tips

5 Tips To Reduce Daily Stress

5.0K Views Rena Greenberg Rena Greenberg

In today's society we have so many distractions to keep our mind busy. Sometimes we need to switch off and free ourselves from the …

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Natural Therapies

Plant Awareness Exercise

1.3K Views Sergei Boutenko Sergei Boutenko

Plant Awareness Exercise (try this exercise the next time you go outside)!

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Health Tips

How To Protect Yourself From Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

24K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Have you heard of electromagnetic radiation (EMR)? This topic is one that affects every one of us, hence our need to share this with …

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