

The Pursuit of Perfection: What’s It Costing You?

1.8K Views Dr. Libby Weaver Dr. Libby Weaver

Have you ever felt the desire or need to be perfect, either in some area of your life or across all of it? Maybe …

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A Mindful Choice Documentary - July Film Club

901 Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

This film will make you think differently about meditation. From dancers to writers, to entrepreneurs, a patient with cancer, children living in shelters and …

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4 Of The Best Oils For Your Skin

35K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

We're big fans of using oil as part of our skin care routines. Find out our favorites and why you should try them too!

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I Cut Out Processed Food, Fast Food and Sugar… Here’s What Happened to My Family

10K Views Meghann Bernard Meghann Bernard

Food Matters changed my life, and the lives of my family members. I'm really not exaggerating when I say, "changed our lives".

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How Fermentation Is A Meditation Practice

1.3K Views Felicity Evans Felicity Evans

The whole nature of fermentation is working with a living organism – it’s like having your own kitchen pet. It helps develop patience and …

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It Takes 21 Days To Change A Habit

1.7K Views The Food Matters Team The Food Matters Team

They say it takes 21 days to break or form a habit. Let’s hear from one of our community members who put this theory …

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Plant-Based Beauty Boosters

1.5K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

To support the work of a balanced diet in creating glowing, healthy skin, there are some great products to check out that won’t jeopardize …

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4 Reasons To Love Dirt!

2.2K Views Renae Redgen Renae Redgen

Dirt has health benefits? That’s right! The benefits of getting dirty may surprise you! Here’s how...

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From Hashimoto's To Health

5.6K Views Ivette Rieksts Ivette Rieksts

I wanted to share with others who are struggling to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Over the years I put on a lot of weight …

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Is Bacteria Controlling Your Brain?

5.7K Views Amethyst Tagney Amethyst Tagney

Although the bacteria in question resides in your digestive tract, scientists have reason to believe microbes can communicate and alter the way our brains …

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