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7 Tips for Managing Menopause Naturally

549 Views Tess Patrick Tess Patrick

There comes a time in every woman’s life where the next stage of gracefully aging begins. Hot flushes meet clammy hands, and mood swings …

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5 Health Benefits of Kimchi

333 Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

I love fermented foods. They’re gut-nourishing additions to any meal that add this incredible hit of flavor and nutrients all in one go. Many …

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6 Tips To Make Your Detox Fun


Many people cringe when they hear the word detox. Detoxing is about giving your body a break and allowing it to come into balance, …

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Welcome to 2022! Happy New Year from Food Matters

3.3K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

I want to start by saying a big warm welcome and show my gratitude to you. Thank you for showing up and being a …

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The Best Diet For Inflammation

1.5K Views Tess Patrick Tess Patrick

How do you go about remedying any underlying inflammation? Good quality, anti-inflammatory foods of course. In the past, we’ve covered some of our favorite …

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7 Health Benefits of Fennel

780 Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

It may seem a little crazy to be this passionate about fennel, but when it comes to the health benefits on offer, the flavors …

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Healthy Home

Why Is Sourdough Easier To Digest?

2.4K Views Tess Patrick Tess Patrick

For many people, and you’ve probably been here too, breaking up with gluten can be hard. While some go cold turkey gluten-free, others will …

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Keep Your Skin Brighter Than Christmas Lights These Holidays

1.4K Views Tess Patrick Tess Patrick

We’re all about looking after ourselves in the kindest and gentle way, so we’re putting positive habits in place to nourish our skin all …

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Top 10 Trending Health Articles of 2021

6.8K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

As 2021 draws to a close, it’s a great time to reflect on the year that was. I thought it was a good time …

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Health Tips

Detox Tips For Overindulgence During The Holidays


With the holiday season upon us and the inevitable extra helpings of treats and overindulgences, discover some natural and inexpensive remedies to jump start …

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