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Health Hazards

How to Avoid Toxic Heavy Metals Found In Most Lipstick Brands

14K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Your favorite lipstick doesn’t just stay on your lips. Many lipstick brands have heavy metals that you might be ingesting. Here’s which ingredients you …

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Health Tips

3 Smoothie Mistakes You Don’t Want To Be Making

22K Views Maya Novak Maya Novak

Are smoothies not quite hitting the spot for you? Maybe you’re making one of these common smoothie mistakes. Maya Novak shares her tips for …

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Stress Relief For Teens. Is Mindfulness The Key?

2.1K Views Ashleigh Jensen Ashleigh Jensen

More and more studies are coming to light proving the amazing benefits of mindfulness practice. Never heard of mindfulness or want to know more? …

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Natural Therapies

10 Powerful Herbs That Can Help Everything From Anxiety to Clotting to Alzheimer’s


Use these delicious herbs to cleanse your liver, fight inflammation, and help prevent memory loss. All while adding a world of flavor to every …

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Get Your Creative Juices Flowing with Help from NYC’s Favorite Juice Spots


Are you living or traveling in New York and stuck for somewhere to find a juice that's worth raving about? Don't worry! We have …

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5 Health Benefits of Eating Chocolate

5.8K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Chocolate has been eaten by mankind for thousands of years and it’s a beloved treat for many people across the world today. But could …

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A 360 Degree Approach To Health

1.9K Views Ange Simson Ange Simson

Are the thoughts that run through your head more detrimental to your health than the foods that you put in your mouth? Health Coach …

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Health Tips

7 Cool Gadgets To Reduce Kitchen Nightmares

9.6K Views Ashleigh Jensen Ashleigh Jensen

Do you want to make your time in the kitchen a little easier? Check out these tools and gadgets that will slash the time …

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Health Hazards

Are Antibacterial Soaps Causing More Harm Than Good?

3.9K Views Ashleigh Jensen Ashleigh Jensen

The days of dousing ourselves in antibacterial soaps may be coming to an end. It’s time to read the labels on your soap bottle, …

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Health Tips

5 Simple Habits For A Healthier You

8.3K Views Ange Simson Ange Simson

It’s the little things that count, right?! Ange Simson from The Gratitude Project shares with her 5 simple habits that you can implement into …

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