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Natural Therapies

Ayurveda and Fall: How To Cleanse For The Season According To An Ancient Practice

5.4K Views Alle Weil Alle Weil

Alle Weil shares her tips for cleansing the body in accordance with Ayurvedic practices. A perfect excuse to give your body some TLC.

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Active Living

Squeeze These 5 Yoga Flows Into Your Busy Schedule

8.7K Views The Food Matters Team The Food Matters Team

We’ve got 5 flows that you can fit into even the busiest of schedules.

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5 Aussie Instagrammers Doing Breakfast Differently

4.5K Views Ashleigh Jensen Ashleigh Jensen

Feeling a little tired of the same breakfast options? In need of a little inspiration? These Aussie Instagrammers are putting their own unique spin …

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The Powerful Gut Health Benefits Of Resistant Starch

24K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Gut health has taken center stage in the arena of health. It seems everybody wants to know what we can do to improve our …

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Health Tips

How Healthy Is Your Hair? (30-Sec Quiz!)

32K Views Larina Robinson Larina Robinson

How healthy is your hair? Take this quick quiz to find out! Score 6 or more and it’s time for some hair TLC, naturally …

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Natural Therapies

Dr. Eric Z's Essential Oil Guide for Arthritis

16K Views Dr. Eric Z Dr. Eric Z

Anyone with arthritis needs this guide on how to use essential oils to ease their joint pain. Share this article with everyone you know …

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School Replaces Detention With Meditation - This Is The Stunning Response

9.6K Views Ashleigh Jensen Ashleigh Jensen

Finally schools get it right by sending children to meditation instead of detention. Here’s how this decision has improved their behavior and academic success.

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7 Powerful Health Benefits Of Acai Berry

25K Views Maia Megryan Maia Megryan

From cancer fighting agents to powerful immune boosting qualities, acai is the native berry that can work wonders on our health. Maia Megryan shares …

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Depressed? New Study Shows The Pill Could Be To Blame

7.1K Views Larina Robinson Larina Robinson

Clinical depression in women is often dismissed as “female mood swings” or simply “that time of the month”. Yet, a new study on depression …

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Healthy Home

The Best Houseplants For Purifying The Air

43K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

With more than 90% of the world’s population breathing in pollution on a daily basis, it’s more important than ever before to find new …

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